
28,597 m 
operating profit
share in Polish
fuel market

 {GRI 2.1.}

This 2013 Integrated Annual Report provides an overview of the activities of the LOTOS Group (“the LOTOS Group”), with a particular focus on the LOTOS Group’s parent entity – Grupa LOTOS S.A. (“Grupa LOTOS”, “the Company” or “we”).

Grupa LOTOS is one of Europe’s largest and most productive oil companies.
In terms of revenue generated in 2012, it is second of the 500 largest companies in Poland, and sixth among the 500 largest companies in Central and Eastern Europe.

Grupa LOTOS shares have been listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange since June 2005. Since November 2009, Grupa LOTOS shares have also been listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange's RESPECT Index of socially responsible companies.

The LOTOS Group employs almost five thousand people in Poland and abroad, and the high quality of our HR policy was confirmed last year with the 'Best Employer 2013' and the 'Human Resources Management Leader' awards. 

Logo RESPECT Index

Logo Najlepszy Pracodawca 2013

LOTOS Group workforce structure by key companies.
As at December 31st 2013

Apart from Grupa LOTOS (the parent entity and operator of the refinery in Gdańsk), the LOTOS Group comprises 15 other companies operating under the LOTOS name. Two of them are based outside Poland, in Lithuania and Norway.

{GRI 2.4, 2.5, 2.8.}

Territory covered by the LOTOS Group's operations.

LOTOS operations

Our activities contribute not only to the development of communities in the regions where we are present, but also to the growth of public revenue. In 2013, we paid a total of PLN 12,572,829 thousand in taxes to the countries in which we do business.