Consolidated statement of comprehensive income

PLN m 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Sales revenue 16 294.7 14 321.0 19 662.8 29 259.6 33 111.0 28 597.3
Cost of sales -15 315.0 -12 775.8 -17 269.2 -26 572.4 -30 340.0 -26 913.2
Gross profit 979.7 1 545.2 2 393.6 2 687.2 2 771.0 1 684.1
Goodwill impairment allowance -12.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Distribution costs -737.3 -726.4 -872.4 -1 000.3 -1 052.0 -1 106.7
Administrative expenses -316.8 -332.6 -377.1 -432.3 -446.4 -434.0
Other operating profit/(loss) -58.8 -66.4 -82.7 -296.2 -1 042.5 -10.4
Effect of accounting for step acquisition of control (AB LOTOS Geonafta Group) 0.0 0.0 0.0 126.4 61.7 0.0
Loss of control over subsidiary 0.0 30.6 0.0 0.7 21.0 13.5
Operating profit/(loss) -145.8 450.4 1 061.4 1 085.5 312.8 146.5
Profit/(loss) on financing activities -384.4 651.0 -358.1 -537.0 53.6 -207.5
Share in profit of equity-accounted jointly-controlled entities 26.5 8.2 18.6 2.9 0.0 -1.0
Pre-tax profit/(loss) -503.7 1 109.6 721.9 551.4 366.4 -62.0
Corporate income tax 114.3 -197.8 -40.5 97.9 561.5 101.4
Net profit/(loss) from continuing operations -389.4 911.8 681.4 649.3 927.9 39.4
 - attributable to Owners of the parent -453.5 900.8 679.2 649.0 927.9 39.4
 - attributable to Non-controling interests 64.1 11.0 2.2 0.3 0.0 0.0
Other comprehensive Income     -2.8 -371.7 356.3 84.0
 - exchange differences on translating foreign operations     0.9 57.8 -39.1 -13.6
 - cash flow hedges     -0.8 -516.9 472.2 120.8
 - income tax on the comprehensive income     -2.9 87.4 -75.7 -23.0
Excise duty an fuel tax
Excise duty an fuel tax 6 123.0 6 984.6 8 260.5 9 368.5 9 819.3 9 074.5
Depreciation 315.0 284.8 389.9 608.6 666.5 656.1
EBITDA 169.2 735.2 1 451.3 1 694.1 979.3 802.6